Watch me

Watch me

When I have enough sadness, 
sorrow and pain,
when my heart has been broken into 
ten thousand pieces
and my body is covered with dirt
I will leave

Then... I will turn around
I will fight my body to stand on its knees
I will use my new power to drag my 
hands up from the sticky dirt
I will raise my arms above my head, 
and grab one of the “arms” 
from the tree beside me

I will pray for the divine power in me 
to lift me up
My arms will slowly 
release my body from the dirt
I will feel how my whole body is 
shaking, when my right foot helps me up

When I stand on my feet again 
my back will straighten,
my arms will rest at my side
In that moment 
you will not recognize me at all
My ultimate power shines through me
I will turn around,
and give away my million dollar smile
and live!

Berit Haga, 2012/2023